Stone Pendant


In accessories such as earrings, necklaces, chains, and anklets one of the most important elements are  the Pedants or Charms.

Crystal and Beads colors: Dark brown Agata, grey, gold, pink, red, violet crystals, lilac and white fresh water pearls

Wire color: Gold

Combining wire with pearls, stones, beads, and other jewelry inputs allows us to achieve original pendants of avant-garde design, such as our beautiful models. Designs made with these materials that we never lack creation, wire, and jewelry stones.

With wire and beads of all kinds pieces are achieved to use as pendants of innovative design using the technique of Alambrismo or urban filigree,  versatile techniques used to  achieve our beautiful pendants.

Within our models we have used pearls, mother-of-pearl, seashells, polished glass and everything our imagination indicated to us.

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